Examination for possible frauds was ma de in 118 commercial samples of ground black pepper (Piper nig1'um) obtained in São Paulo and Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil. The aim was to detect added ground papaya (Carica papaya) seeds. The samples were subjected to chemical analysis, microscopical examination and thin-Iayer chromatography. The presence of papaya seeds was not detected. However, microscopic examination showed that 600/0 of the sarnples were frauded since adulterants such as corn starch, wheat starch, cassava starch, wheat flour, cornmeal, cassava flour, pepper stems and sand were present. Thin-layear chromatography only detected p8,paya seeds when these exceeded 20% of the ground pepper, while the microscopical examination detected adulterants at a 1% coricentration. It is suggested that the legislation might reduce the upper permitted limit for total ash from 7% to 4% and acid-insoluble ash from 1.5% to 1%. Alcoholic extracts were within the required levels in 67% of the samples examined.
1978. Seção 1, pt. 1, p. 11499. Resolução aprovada pela Comissão Nacional de Normas e Padrões para alimentos no mês de março de 1978.
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