Occurence of large eggs of Trichuris trichiura in human feces
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Trichuris trichiura, eggs (large)
Trichuris vulpis, eggs
differencial diagnosis

How to Cite

Corrêa L de L, Yamanaka MT, Corrêa MO Álvares, Silva MIPG da, Silva RM da. Occurence of large eggs of Trichuris trichiura in human feces. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1980 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];40(1):59-64. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36970


The finding, in human feces, of very large eggs with the typical peculiarities of Trichuris trichiura eggs has been attributed to human infestation by Trichuris vulpis, a dog parasite, since Hall & Sonnenberg reported in 1956 a proven case of human infestation by T. vulpis. The present study shows good evidence that there was no infestation by T. vulpis in an 8-year old girl whích was examined. Eggs wíth sizes consistent with T. trichiura and other eggs consistent with T. vulpis were found. After administration of mebendazol, feces specimens were collected where 399 specimens of helminths were alI identified as T. trichiura. From the uterus of several females, one hundred eggs were extracted which belonged to two groups: normal eggs and large eggs. For the normal eggs the mean measurements were 54.49 x 24.50 microns, with standard deviation of 3.15 and 1.87 microns respectively. For the large eggs the mean measurements were 77.13 and 29.08 microns with standard deviations of 4.41 and 1.67 microns, respectively. The finding of eggs of a size proper of T. vulpis in the uterus of typical T. trichiura specimens has not been hitherto reported.

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Copyright (c) 1980 Instituto Adolfo Lutz Journal


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