Moscas (Drosophila melanogaster) foram criadas em meio de cultura à base de banana e agar, adicionado de cinco diferentes concentrações de Dicofol, pesticida bastante usado na citricultura paulista. A cromatografia gasosa com detector de captura de elétrons de parte extraída da amostra com solvente orgânico, tomou possível quantificar resíduos do produto em todas as amostras de larvas e de imagos analisadas. Os resultados encontrados em imagos e larvas sugerem um acúmulo de Dicofol durante o ciclo de desenvolvimento das moscas.
1. BARBERA, J. C.; LOPES, F. J.; HERNANDEZ, F.; MEDINA, J. & PASTOR, A. - Gas chromatographic determination of organochlorine pesticides; contamination of Dicofol, Fenson, and Tetradifon in fish and natural waters of a wet area beside the Mediterranean Sea. Bull. environ. Contam. Toxicol. 36: 211 - 218, 1986.
2. JOHNSTON, D. W. - Organochlorine pesticide residues in Florida birds of prey. 1969-76. Pest. Monitor. J. 12: 8-15, 1978.
3. KARAKAYA, A. E. & OZALP, S. –Organochlorine pesticides in human adipose tissue collected in Ankara (Turkey) 1984-1985. Bull. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 38: 941-945, 1987.
4. K1NG, K. A.; FLINCKINGER, E. L. & HILDEBRAND, H. H. - Shell thinning and pesticide residues in Texas aquatic bird eggs, 1970. Pest. Monitor. J. 12: 16 - 21, 1978.
5. LARA, W. H. & BARRETTO, H. H. C. – Resíduos de pesticidas clorados em águas. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 32: 69 - 74, 1972.
6. MARTINEAU, D.; BELAND, P.; DESJARDINS, C. & LAGACI, A. - Levels of organochlorine chemicals in tis sues of beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Laurence Estuary, Quebec, Canada. Arch. environ. Conntam Toxicol. 16: 137 - 147, 1987.
7. MONTONE, C. - Hidrocarbonetos clorados no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, 1987. (Tese de Mestrado - Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo.)
8. MOORE, D. G. & LOPES, B. R. - DDT residues in forest floors and soils of Western Oregon, september-november 1966. Pest. Monit. J. 14: 77- 85, 1980.
9. PEARCEP, A. P.; REYNOLDS, L. M. & DAVID, B. P. - DDT residues in rainwater in New Brunswick and estimate of aerial transport .of DDT into the gulf of St. Lawrence, 1967-68 Pest. Monitor. J. l1: 199-204, 1978
10. PICER, M.; PICER, N. & AHEL, M. – Chlorinated insecticide and PCB residues in fish and mussels of East Coasta1 waters of midd1e and North Adriatic Sea, 1974-75. Pest. Monitor. 12: 102 -112, 1978.
11. SCHICK, C. T.; BRENNAN, L. A.; BUCHANAN, J. B.; FINGER, M. A.; JOHNSON, T. M. & HERMAN, S. G. - Organochlorine contamination in shorebirds from Washington State and the significance for their falcon predators. Environ. Monitor. Asses. 9: 115-131,1987.
12. SMITH JR., R. B.; LARSON, P. S.; FINNERGAN, J. K.; HAAG, H. B.; HENNIGAR, G. R. & FLORAPEARL, C. - Toxicology studies of 2,2 -bis- (chorophenyl) - 2, 2, 2 - trichlo-roethanol (Kelthane). Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1: 119 - 134, 1959.
13. TO-FIGUEIRAS, J.; RODAMILANS, M.; GOMEZ, J. & CORBELLA, J. - Hexach1orobenzene residues in the general population of Barcelona. ln: MORRIS, C. R. & CABRAL, J. R. P. - Hexachlorobenzene. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, [s.1.] Proceedings [ s.n.t.] p. 147 - 148, 1986.
14. UHNAK, J.; VENINGEROVA, M. & MDARIC, A. - Dynamics ofhexachlorobenzene residues in the food chain. In: MORRIS, C. R. & CABRAL, J. R. P. - Hexachlorobenzene. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, [ s.1. ] Proceleding [s.n.t.] p. 109 - 113, 1986.
15. VEITH, G. D.; KUEHL, D. W; LEONARD, E. N.; WELCH, K. & PRATT, G. - Fish, wildlife, and estuaries Polychlorinated biphenyls and other organic chemical residues in fish from major United States watersheds near the Great Lakes, 1978. Pest. Monitor. J. 15: 1 - 13, 1981.
16. WOODWELL, G. M.; CRAIG P. P. & JOHNSON, H. A. - DDT in the biosphere: where does it go? Scienc. 174: 1101-1110, 1971.
2. JOHNSTON, D. W. - Organochlorine pesticide residues in Florida birds of prey. 1969-76. Pest. Monitor. J. 12: 8-15, 1978.
3. KARAKAYA, A. E. & OZALP, S. –Organochlorine pesticides in human adipose tissue collected in Ankara (Turkey) 1984-1985. Bull. Environ Contam. Toxicol. 38: 941-945, 1987.
4. K1NG, K. A.; FLINCKINGER, E. L. & HILDEBRAND, H. H. - Shell thinning and pesticide residues in Texas aquatic bird eggs, 1970. Pest. Monitor. J. 12: 16 - 21, 1978.
5. LARA, W. H. & BARRETTO, H. H. C. – Resíduos de pesticidas clorados em águas. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, 32: 69 - 74, 1972.
6. MARTINEAU, D.; BELAND, P.; DESJARDINS, C. & LAGACI, A. - Levels of organochlorine chemicals in tis sues of beluga Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the St. Laurence Estuary, Quebec, Canada. Arch. environ. Conntam Toxicol. 16: 137 - 147, 1987.
7. MONTONE, C. - Hidrocarbonetos clorados no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, 1987. (Tese de Mestrado - Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo.)
8. MOORE, D. G. & LOPES, B. R. - DDT residues in forest floors and soils of Western Oregon, september-november 1966. Pest. Monit. J. 14: 77- 85, 1980.
9. PEARCEP, A. P.; REYNOLDS, L. M. & DAVID, B. P. - DDT residues in rainwater in New Brunswick and estimate of aerial transport .of DDT into the gulf of St. Lawrence, 1967-68 Pest. Monitor. J. l1: 199-204, 1978
10. PICER, M.; PICER, N. & AHEL, M. – Chlorinated insecticide and PCB residues in fish and mussels of East Coasta1 waters of midd1e and North Adriatic Sea, 1974-75. Pest. Monitor. 12: 102 -112, 1978.
11. SCHICK, C. T.; BRENNAN, L. A.; BUCHANAN, J. B.; FINGER, M. A.; JOHNSON, T. M. & HERMAN, S. G. - Organochlorine contamination in shorebirds from Washington State and the significance for their falcon predators. Environ. Monitor. Asses. 9: 115-131,1987.
12. SMITH JR., R. B.; LARSON, P. S.; FINNERGAN, J. K.; HAAG, H. B.; HENNIGAR, G. R. & FLORAPEARL, C. - Toxicology studies of 2,2 -bis- (chorophenyl) - 2, 2, 2 - trichlo-roethanol (Kelthane). Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1: 119 - 134, 1959.
13. TO-FIGUEIRAS, J.; RODAMILANS, M.; GOMEZ, J. & CORBELLA, J. - Hexach1orobenzene residues in the general population of Barcelona. ln: MORRIS, C. R. & CABRAL, J. R. P. - Hexachlorobenzene. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, [s.1.] Proceedings [ s.n.t.] p. 147 - 148, 1986.
14. UHNAK, J.; VENINGEROVA, M. & MDARIC, A. - Dynamics ofhexachlorobenzene residues in the food chain. In: MORRIS, C. R. & CABRAL, J. R. P. - Hexachlorobenzene. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, [ s.1. ] Proceleding [s.n.t.] p. 109 - 113, 1986.
15. VEITH, G. D.; KUEHL, D. W; LEONARD, E. N.; WELCH, K. & PRATT, G. - Fish, wildlife, and estuaries Polychlorinated biphenyls and other organic chemical residues in fish from major United States watersheds near the Great Lakes, 1978. Pest. Monitor. J. 15: 1 - 13, 1981.
16. WOODWELL, G. M.; CRAIG P. P. & JOHNSON, H. A. - DDT in the biosphere: where does it go? Scienc. 174: 1101-1110, 1971.
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