The enzyme immunoassay ELISA was marketed in Brazil shortly after being announced in the US and Europe and immediately used in several public and private laboratories. Newer technologies in HIV testing, such as fourth-generation tests that detect both anti-HIV antibodies and HIV p24 antigen, and the nucleic acid-based testing have markedly reduced the interval between exposure and infection detection. This brief review proposes to show the different HIV testing algorithms used in Brazil, from assays based only on the detection of anti-HIV antibodies to the new flowcharts in which molecular tests were included. In Brazil, until 1998, national authorities had not yet recommended a testing algorithm for diagnosis of HIV infection. After that, different testing algorithms have been recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health Ordinances for the diagnosis of HIV infection and followed by public and private laboratories. Considering the different scenarios in which the diagnosis of HIV has been performed, there is a need for frequent evaluation of the assays, because the quality of the results can be influenced by different biological factors of the host and the agent.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Márcia Jorge Castejon, Celso Francisco Hernandes Granato , Carmem Aparecida de Freitas Oliveira