Frequency of lesions detected by Pap smear in the age group-categorized women attended in Vale do Ribeira between 2014 and 2015


  • Daniela Etlinger-Colonelli Instituto Adolfo Lutz
  • Sandra Lorente Instituto Adolfo Lutz


In Brazil, the incidence and mortality rates of cervical cancer are still high,
and the analysis of its frequency represents an essential component of the
health surveillance programs. Data from IBGE indicate the Vale do Ribeira
as the region with the lowest HDI of São Paulo State, which is considered
as a risk factor for developing pre-neoplastic lesions. This study describes
the relative and absolute frequencies of the cervicovaginal cytopathological
results in women according to the age group attended at Health Units of Vale
do Ribeira. A total of 27,666 pap smears were performed between 2014 and
2015 in the Cytopathology Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute, being 24,398
(88.20%) negative; 558 (2.00%) unsatisfactory; 1,725 (6.24%) ASC-US,
522 (2.00%) LSIL; 160 (0.58%) ASC-H; 143 (0.52%) HSIL; 14 (0.05%)
carcinoma; 102 (0.37%) AGC-SOE; 11 (0.04%) AGC-NEO, and 3 (0.01%)
adenocarcinoma. Of the total, 78.5% of the tests were performed in women
in the age range recommended by the Brazilian guidelines (25-64 years old).
Women bellow 24 years old showed a highest frequency of ASC-US and
LSIL. The HSIL cases were more frequent in women from 25 to 29 years
old, and a higher frequency of carcinoma was observed in women from 30
to 34 years old. The frequency of precursor lesions, the age range with major
occurrence and the identification of particular characteristics of the attended
population give supports to direct the health actions, resulting in benefits to
the women undergoing to the cervical cancer screening procedure.



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How to Cite

Etlinger-Colonelli D, Lorente S. Frequency of lesions detected by Pap smear in the age group-categorized women attended in Vale do Ribeira between 2014 and 2015. Bepa [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];13(155):1-10. Available from:



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