Epidemiological Profile of Violence in the State of São Paulo in Comparison to the Regional Department of Health II





public helth, aggressive Behavio, violence and health, health promotion, epidemiological surveillance


Introduction: Violence has always been present in history and consists of the use of power or physical force against oneself or against others, or groups, resulting in some kind of harm or even death. Objective: The objective of this article is to characterize the epidemiological profile of violence in the state of São Paulo and in the DRS II region and compare the incidence of notifications between 2011 and 2021. Methods: This is a retrospective longitudinal study using data from DATASUS. The relative frequencies of victim and aggressor variables were calculated. Results: It was identified that in both regions studied, physical violence predominated, with the majority of victims being female and white. In general, the aggression occurred within the home by the spouse. There was a difference in age group between the state and DRS II, with predominance of ages between 15 to 29 years and 30 to 59 years, respectively. In terms of victim's education level and author's life cycle variables, the highest percentage of records fell into the category of white/unknown/not applicable. Conclusion: When comparing the incidence of violence notifications between both regions, it was concluded that there was no significant difference (p>0.05). Characterizing the epidemiological profile is essential to combat violence, as it enables the creation of public policies, as well as identifying weaknesses related to the completion of the Individual Notification Form.


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How to Cite

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