The implementation of the LGBTQIA+ Population Health Academic League in a traditional medical school in São Paulo
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Education, Medical
School, Medical
Health Services
Gender Diversity

How to Cite

Biderman Furriela MC, Baptista Tolosa Barreto M, Malentachi Abreu S, Brandão Raskin R, Alberto Moreira Moscatelli A. The implementation of the LGBTQIA+ Population Health Academic League in a traditional medical school in São Paulo. Bepa [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];21:e41432. Available from:



Introduction: The limited coverage of LGBTQIA+ health in the curriculum of a traditional medical school in São Paulo led five students to establish the LGBTQIA+ Population Health Academic League. This student organization deepens research and promotes projects that connect students with society, bridging theory and professional practice. Objective: This report describes the creation of the League, from identifying the need for it to its initial results. Methods: Events of the implementation process, in 2024, were described chronologically. The League’s activities were evaluated by participants through an electronic survey with 14 questions on activity quality, and engagement was assessed via attendance records. Additionally, a survey was conducted to determine how many medical schools in São Paulo (SP) have similar academic leagues, evaluating the pioneering nature of this League. Results: Eight classes on LGBTQIA+ health were held, rated as "good" quality by all 12 survey respondents. However, engagement was below expectations. Still, the League stands out as a pioneer student organization, as only 12.3% of medical schools in SP have leagues focused on LGBTQIA+ health. Conclusion: The League has established itself as a supportive learning environment for its members. Future plans include implementing outreach projects with the Diversity Reference Center (CRD) and the Transgender Comprehensive Health Clinic (ASIPT) at the Barra Funda School Health Center, preparing future health professionals to understand the needs and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ population.
PDF (Português (Brasil))



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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Clara Biderman Furriela, Maria Baptista Tolosa Barreto, Sofia Malentachi Abreu, Rachel Brandão Raskin , Antonio Alberto Moreira Moscatelli


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