Manuscript Types

1. Original Article

It presents original research findings of a qualitative or quantitative nature, and should be based on new data or perspectives relevant to public health. It must be supported by a letter of consent from the director of the institution to which the author(s) and the object of the article are linked. A maximum of 6,000 words; abstract up to 250 words; between three and six keywords; up to 10 illustrations; up to 40 references.

  • Title
  • Authors and institutions
  • Abstract (sections: introduction, objective, methods, results, conclusion and keywords)
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Thanks (optional)
  • References (Vancouver)
  • Tables, figures and images (within the text and in separate files) **

2. Systematic Review/Meta-analysis Article

A systematic critical evaluation of the literature on a subject relevant to public health that uses primary studies as its source of data and evaluates the methodological quality of these data, and then generates new evidence on the object of study. The procedures adopted should be described, making clear the limits of the topic. Maximum of 6,000 words; abstract up to 250 words; between three and six keywords; up to six illustrations; no limit on references. Every systematic review should have its protocol published or registered in a systematic review registry such as PROSPERO.

  • Title
  • Authors and institutions
  • Abstract (sections: introduction, objective, methods, results, conclusion and keywords)
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Thanks (optional)
  • References (Vancouver)
  • Tables, figures and images (within the text and in separate files) **

3. Quick Communication

Short article designed to preliminary results of original and significant material in the area of health surveillance. Its presentation must follow the normative techniques for bibliographic references in Vancouver. It must be supported by a letter of consent from the director of the institution to which the author(s) and the object of the article are linked. It is recommended that the author(s) of the quick papers submit a more detailed paper at a later date. Maximum of 2,000 words; optional abstract of up to 150 words; between three and six keywords; up to six illustrations and references.

  • Title
  • Author
  • Introduction
  • Text development
  • Closing remarks
  • Reference (Vancouver)

4. Epidemiological Report

It presents relevant information for collective health, as well as divulges data from the public information systems about diseases, illnesses, vectors, and prevention, treatment, and control programs. The structure is similar to the original article, but without abstract or keywords; maximum of 10,000 words; up to 20 references.

  • Title
  • Author
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • Reference (Vancouver)

5. Technical Report

Institutional text that aims to define procedures, guides, guidelines, conducts, and technical norms of the actions and activities. It also includes the dissemination of practices, policies, and guidelines on health promotion and risk prevention and control. Maximum of 10,000 words; up to 30 references.

  • Title
  • Author
  • Introduction
  • Text development
  • Acknowledgements
  • Reference (Vancouver)

6. Experience Report

Concise report that has already carried out or is still in progress of projects and actions in public health surveillance that points to significant contributions to the population. It should present the experience in chronological order, pointing out the results of the action and final considerations. Maximum of 3,000 words; may contain photos/figures.

  • Title
  • Author
  • Abstract 
  • Authors
  • Experience Report
  • Results
  • Reference (Vancouver)

7. Letter

The letter allows comments on articles published on BEPA. It can be submitted at any time after the publication of the article to which it refers. Maximum of 600 words; no illustrations.

  • Title
  • Author
  • Development
  • Reference (Vancouver)