Um SUl10 de toxinfecção alimentar envolvendo dezesseis pessoas foi investigado em março de 1997 na cidade de Passos-MO. Quatorze (87,5%) foram acometidas com os seguintes sintomas: náuseas, vômitos, cefaléia, febre, dores abdominais e diarréia. De acordo com a investigação o alimento suspeito foi uma torta gelada, sem cobertura e sem recheio, servida como sobremesa. A análise do alimento revelou que o referido episódio foi causado pela ação simultânea de enterotoxina estafilocócica C, D e Salmonella enteritidis.
1. BEAN , N. & GRIFFIN, P.N. Foodborne diseases outbreaks in the United States, 1973-1983: Patogens vehicles and trends. JOURNAL FOOD PROTECTION, v.53, n° 9, p.804-807, 1990.
2. BENENSON, AS. ed.El contral de Ias enfermidades transmissibles in el hombre.Washington D.C., Organización Panamericana de Ia Salud, 1992.
pA58-463: Salmoneloses. (OSP-Publicación científica, 538).
3. BERGDOLL, M.S. Staphylococcal intoxications, In: REIMANN H., BRYAN, FL. (eds.) Foodborne infections and intoxications. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1979, pA43-494.
4. CENTERS OF DISEASE CONTROL. Questions and answers about Salmonella enteritidis and eggs. Atlanta, 7 de janeiro de 1994.
5. D'AUST, J. Y. Pathogenicity of Foodborne Salmonella. INTERNATIONAL JOUNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, v.12, nº17, p.40, 1991.
6. FEY , H., PFISTER, H., RUEGG,O. Comparative evaluation of different enzyme- linked immunossorbent assay systems for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins A B, C and D. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY v.19, nº1, p. 34-38,1984.
7. GENIGEORGES, e. Present state of knowledge on staphylococcal intoxication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, v. 9, n° 4, p. 327-360,1989.
8. NOLETO, AL., BERGDOLL, M.S. Production of enterotoxin by a Staphylococcus aureus strain that produces three identifiable enterotoxins. JOURNAL FOOD PROTECTION, n° 45, p.1096-1097,1982.
9. ROUQUAIROL,M.Z. Epidemiologia e Saúde, 4" ed. MESDI, Rio de Janeiro, 1994,540p.
10. SCHOTHORST, M.V., RENAULD, A.M. Dynamics of Salmonella isolation with modified Rappaport's medium (R 10). JOURNAL APPLIED BACTERIOLOGY, v 54, n° 2, p. 209-215, 1983.
11. VANDERZANT,e.& SPLITTSOESSER, D.F. Compendium of Methods for the
Microbiological Examination of Foods. 3ª ed. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATIOIN, 1992, 1100p.
12. WENDPAP, L.L. & ROSA, 0.0. Presença de Staphylococcus aureus em queijo Minas consumido no município de Cuiabá-MT. HIGIENE ALIMENTAR, v.27, p.23-29, 1993.
2. BENENSON, AS. ed.El contral de Ias enfermidades transmissibles in el hombre.Washington D.C., Organización Panamericana de Ia Salud, 1992.
pA58-463: Salmoneloses. (OSP-Publicación científica, 538).
3. BERGDOLL, M.S. Staphylococcal intoxications, In: REIMANN H., BRYAN, FL. (eds.) Foodborne infections and intoxications. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1979, pA43-494.
4. CENTERS OF DISEASE CONTROL. Questions and answers about Salmonella enteritidis and eggs. Atlanta, 7 de janeiro de 1994.
5. D'AUST, J. Y. Pathogenicity of Foodborne Salmonella. INTERNATIONAL JOUNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, v.12, nº17, p.40, 1991.
6. FEY , H., PFISTER, H., RUEGG,O. Comparative evaluation of different enzyme- linked immunossorbent assay systems for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins A B, C and D. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY v.19, nº1, p. 34-38,1984.
7. GENIGEORGES, e. Present state of knowledge on staphylococcal intoxication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, v. 9, n° 4, p. 327-360,1989.
8. NOLETO, AL., BERGDOLL, M.S. Production of enterotoxin by a Staphylococcus aureus strain that produces three identifiable enterotoxins. JOURNAL FOOD PROTECTION, n° 45, p.1096-1097,1982.
9. ROUQUAIROL,M.Z. Epidemiologia e Saúde, 4" ed. MESDI, Rio de Janeiro, 1994,540p.
10. SCHOTHORST, M.V., RENAULD, A.M. Dynamics of Salmonella isolation with modified Rappaport's medium (R 10). JOURNAL APPLIED BACTERIOLOGY, v 54, n° 2, p. 209-215, 1983.
11. VANDERZANT,e.& SPLITTSOESSER, D.F. Compendium of Methods for the
Microbiological Examination of Foods. 3ª ed. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATIOIN, 1992, 1100p.
12. WENDPAP, L.L. & ROSA, 0.0. Presença de Staphylococcus aureus em queijo Minas consumido no município de Cuiabá-MT. HIGIENE ALIMENTAR, v.27, p.23-29, 1993.

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Copyright (c) 1999 Ricardo Souza Dias, Luiz Simeão do Carmo, Maria Crisolita Cabral da Silva
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