Este estudo relata a atividade antimicobacteriana da violaceína,3-[1,2Dihidro-5 - (5-hidroxi-1H-indol-3-il)-2-oxo-3H-pirrol-3 ilideno] 1,3-dihidro-2H-indol-2-ona sobre a cepa padrão de M. tuberculosis H37Ra. A violaceína apresentou ação antimicobacteriana in vitro com concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de 64 ug/ml. e concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) de 128 ug/rnl., Estes valores são comparáveis aos descritos na literatura para a pirazinamida.
TOOPS, D.S.; FORD, C.W. & ZURENKO, G.E. Identification of a novel oxazolidinone (U-100480) with potent antimycobacterial activity. J. Med. Chem., 39: 680-685, 1996.
2. CAMPOS, Y.; ERAZO, S. & DURÁN, N. Novos Fotoprodutos com Atividade Antimicrobiana de Chromobacterium violaceum. Arq. Biol. Tecnol., 25:147, 1982.
3. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION. Estimates of future global tuberculosis morbity and mortality. Morb. Mort. Weekly Rep., 39:1542-1545, 1995.
4. COHN, D.L.; BUSTREO, F. & RAVIGLIONE, M.C. Drug resistant tuberculosis: review of the world wide situation and the WHO/IUATLD Global Surveillance Project. Clin. Infect. Dis., 24:S121-S130, 1997.
5. CYNAMON, M.H.; SPEIRS, RJ. & WELCH, J.T. In vitro antimycobacteria1 activity of 5Chloropyrazinamide. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 42:462-463, 1998.
6. DEMOSS, RD. Violacein. Antibiotics. 2: 77-81, 1967.
7. DURÁN, N & HAUN, M. Processo de produção, obtenção, purificação e atividade antitumoral de 3-[1,2-Dihidro-5-(5-hidroxi-1-H-indol-3-il)2-oxo-3-H-pirrol-3-ilideno] 1,3-dihidro-2Hindol-Z-ona. PI 9702918-1, 1997.
8. DURÁN, N. & FALJONI-ALARIO, A. Bacterial Chemistry- I: Studies of a Potential Phototherapeutic Substance from Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 55: 297302, 1980.
9. DURÁN, N. ERAZO, S. & CAMPOS, Y. Bacterial Chemistry-Il: Antimicrobial photoproduct from pigment of Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 55: 231-234, 1983.
10. DURÁN, N.; CAMPOS, Y.; RIVEROS, R; JOYAS, A.; PEREIRA, M.F. & HAUN, M. Bacterial Chemistry-III: Preliminary Studies on Trypanosomal Activities of Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 61:31-36, 1989.
11. ERICKSSON, H.M. & SHERIS, J.C. Antibiotic sensitivity testing: report for an international collaborative study. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. [B]Suppl., 217:3-90, 1971.
12. HART, C.A; BEECHING, N.J. & DUERDEN, B.I. Tuberculosis into the next century. J. Med. Microbiol., 44: 1-34, 1996.
13. KOCHI, A. The global tuberculosis situation and the new control strategy of the world Health Organization. Tubercle, 72: 1-6, 1991.
14. LICHSTEIN, H.C. & VAN DE SAND, Y.F.J. Violacein, an antibiotic pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Infect. Dis., 76:47-51, 1945.
15. LICHSTEIN, H.C. & VAN DE SAND, Y.F. The antibiotic activity of violacein, prodigiosin, and phthiocol. J. Bacteriol., 52: 145-146, 1946.
16. LIMA, M.M.; BELLUOMINI, M.; ALMEIDA, M.M.M. & ARANTES, G.R. Co-infecção HIV/tuberculose: necessidade de uma vigilância mais efetiva. Rev. Saúde Públ. S. Paulo, 31:217-20,1997.
17. MUSSER, J .M. Antimicrobial agent resistance in mycobacteria: molecular genetic insights. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 8: 496-514, 1995.
18. PARKER, W.L.; RATHNUM, M.L. & JOHNSON, J .H. Aerocyanidin, a new antibiotic produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Antibiot., 41: 454-460, 1988.
19. REITTORI, D. & DURÁN, N. Production, extraction, and purification of violacein: an antibiotic pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. World J. Microbiol. Biothecn.i: in press.
20. SINGH, P.D.; LIU, w.c., GOUGOUTAS, J.Z.; MALLEY, M.F.; PORUBCAN, M.A.; TRElO, W.H.; WELLS, J.S. & SYKES, R. B. Aerocavin, a new antibiotic produced by
Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Antibiot., 41: 446-453, 1988.
21. SNIDER, D. E. & ROOPER, W. L. The new tuberculosis. N. Engl. 1. Med., 326: 703-705, 1992.
22. TSUKAMURA. M. In vitro bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity of isoniazid on the Myco-bacterium avium-Mycobacterium intracellulare complexo Tubercle,71:199-204, 1990.
23. UEDA, H.; MANDA, T.; MATSUMOTO, S.; MUKUMOTO, S.; NISHIGAK1, F.; KAWAMURA,!. & SHIMOMURA, K. FR901228, a novel antitumor bicyclic depsipeptide produced by Chromobacterium violaceum No. 968:III. Antitumor activities on experimental tumors in mice. J. Antibiot., 47:315-323, 1994.
24. WAKSMAN, S.A.; BUGIE, E. & SCHATZ, A. Isolation of antibiotic substance from soil microorganisms with special reference to streptothricin and streptomicin. Mayo Clin Proc., 19: 537-548, 1944.
TOOPS, D.S.; FORD, C.W. & ZURENKO, G.E. Identification of a novel oxazolidinone (U-100480) with potent antimycobacterial activity. J. Med. Chem., 39: 680-685, 1996.
2. CAMPOS, Y.; ERAZO, S. & DURÁN, N. Novos Fotoprodutos com Atividade Antimicrobiana de Chromobacterium violaceum. Arq. Biol. Tecnol., 25:147, 1982.
3. CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION. Estimates of future global tuberculosis morbity and mortality. Morb. Mort. Weekly Rep., 39:1542-1545, 1995.
4. COHN, D.L.; BUSTREO, F. & RAVIGLIONE, M.C. Drug resistant tuberculosis: review of the world wide situation and the WHO/IUATLD Global Surveillance Project. Clin. Infect. Dis., 24:S121-S130, 1997.
5. CYNAMON, M.H.; SPEIRS, RJ. & WELCH, J.T. In vitro antimycobacteria1 activity of 5Chloropyrazinamide. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 42:462-463, 1998.
6. DEMOSS, RD. Violacein. Antibiotics. 2: 77-81, 1967.
7. DURÁN, N & HAUN, M. Processo de produção, obtenção, purificação e atividade antitumoral de 3-[1,2-Dihidro-5-(5-hidroxi-1-H-indol-3-il)2-oxo-3-H-pirrol-3-ilideno] 1,3-dihidro-2Hindol-Z-ona. PI 9702918-1, 1997.
8. DURÁN, N. & FALJONI-ALARIO, A. Bacterial Chemistry- I: Studies of a Potential Phototherapeutic Substance from Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 55: 297302, 1980.
9. DURÁN, N. ERAZO, S. & CAMPOS, Y. Bacterial Chemistry-Il: Antimicrobial photoproduct from pigment of Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 55: 231-234, 1983.
10. DURÁN, N.; CAMPOS, Y.; RIVEROS, R; JOYAS, A.; PEREIRA, M.F. & HAUN, M. Bacterial Chemistry-III: Preliminary Studies on Trypanosomal Activities of Chromobacterium violaceum. An. Acad. Brasil. Ciênc., 61:31-36, 1989.
11. ERICKSSON, H.M. & SHERIS, J.C. Antibiotic sensitivity testing: report for an international collaborative study. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Scand. [B]Suppl., 217:3-90, 1971.
12. HART, C.A; BEECHING, N.J. & DUERDEN, B.I. Tuberculosis into the next century. J. Med. Microbiol., 44: 1-34, 1996.
13. KOCHI, A. The global tuberculosis situation and the new control strategy of the world Health Organization. Tubercle, 72: 1-6, 1991.
14. LICHSTEIN, H.C. & VAN DE SAND, Y.F.J. Violacein, an antibiotic pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Infect. Dis., 76:47-51, 1945.
15. LICHSTEIN, H.C. & VAN DE SAND, Y.F. The antibiotic activity of violacein, prodigiosin, and phthiocol. J. Bacteriol., 52: 145-146, 1946.
16. LIMA, M.M.; BELLUOMINI, M.; ALMEIDA, M.M.M. & ARANTES, G.R. Co-infecção HIV/tuberculose: necessidade de uma vigilância mais efetiva. Rev. Saúde Públ. S. Paulo, 31:217-20,1997.
17. MUSSER, J .M. Antimicrobial agent resistance in mycobacteria: molecular genetic insights. Clin. Microbiol. Rev., 8: 496-514, 1995.
18. PARKER, W.L.; RATHNUM, M.L. & JOHNSON, J .H. Aerocyanidin, a new antibiotic produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Antibiot., 41: 454-460, 1988.
19. REITTORI, D. & DURÁN, N. Production, extraction, and purification of violacein: an antibiotic pigment produced by Chromobacterium violaceum. World J. Microbiol. Biothecn.i: in press.
20. SINGH, P.D.; LIU, w.c., GOUGOUTAS, J.Z.; MALLEY, M.F.; PORUBCAN, M.A.; TRElO, W.H.; WELLS, J.S. & SYKES, R. B. Aerocavin, a new antibiotic produced by
Chromobacterium violaceum. J. Antibiot., 41: 446-453, 1988.
21. SNIDER, D. E. & ROOPER, W. L. The new tuberculosis. N. Engl. 1. Med., 326: 703-705, 1992.
22. TSUKAMURA. M. In vitro bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity of isoniazid on the Myco-bacterium avium-Mycobacterium intracellulare complexo Tubercle,71:199-204, 1990.
23. UEDA, H.; MANDA, T.; MATSUMOTO, S.; MUKUMOTO, S.; NISHIGAK1, F.; KAWAMURA,!. & SHIMOMURA, K. FR901228, a novel antitumor bicyclic depsipeptide produced by Chromobacterium violaceum No. 968:III. Antitumor activities on experimental tumors in mice. J. Antibiot., 47:315-323, 1994.
24. WAKSMAN, S.A.; BUGIE, E. & SCHATZ, A. Isolation of antibiotic substance from soil microorganisms with special reference to streptothricin and streptomicin. Mayo Clin Proc., 19: 537-548, 1944.

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Copyright (c) 1999 Ana Olivia de Souza, Dalva Cristina Girello Aily, Daisy Nakamura Sato, Nelson Durán
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