Em culturas de células BHK-21, são descritas partículas semelhantes a vírus, cuja morfologia característica corresponde às "partículas R" constantes da literatura internacional. Por meio de fotomicrografias eletrônicas, são documentados a formação dessas partículas por brotamento nas membranas do retículo endoplasmático, bem como, detalhes da sua ultraestrutura.
1. BERGMANN, D.G. & WOLFF, D.A. Production of R-type virus-like particles in hamster cells. lntervirology, 16 :61-70, 1981.
2. BERNHARD, W. & TOURNIER, P. - Infection virale inapparente de cellules de hamsters décelée par Ia mieroscopie électtronique. Ann. Inst. Paeteur, Paris, 107: 447-51, 1964.
3. CROMACK, A.S. - An electron microscopc study of virus-like particles in chiek embryo and L cells cultures. J. gen. virol., 2: 195-8, 1968.
4. DE HARVEN, E. - ldentification of tissue culture contaminants by electron microscopy. In : FOGH, J., cd. - Contamination in iieeue culture. N ew York, Academic Press, 1973. p. 205-31.
5. MURPHY, F.A.; HALONEN, P.E. & HARRISON, A.R. - Electron microscopy of development of Rubella virus in BHK-21 cells. J. Viro I, 2: 1223-7, 1968.
6. MUSSGAY, M.; RECZKO, E. & AHL, R. Demonstration of virus-like particles in a bovine cell line. J. gen. Viro I., 4 :445-7, 1969.
7. REYNOLDS, E.S. - The use of lead citrate at high p H as an electron-opaque stain in electron microscopy. J. Cell. Biol., 17: 208-12, 1963.
8. ROSSlGNOL, J.M.; KRESS, M. & RECONDO, A.M. - Reverse transcriptase activity associated with R-type virus-like particles of SV 40 - transformed hamster cells (TSV. clone 2). Intervirology, 5: 273-92, 1975.
9. SHIPMAN, C.J.; VANDER WEIDE, G.C. & ILMA, B. - Prevalence of type R vírus-Iike particles in clories of BHK-21 cells. Virology, 38 :707-10, 1969.
10. WElGL, D.R. & KlSlELIUS, J.J. - A resina Polylite na microscopia eletrônica. Cienc. Cult., São Paulo, 24 (6, supl.) : 212, 1972.
2. BERNHARD, W. & TOURNIER, P. - Infection virale inapparente de cellules de hamsters décelée par Ia mieroscopie électtronique. Ann. Inst. Paeteur, Paris, 107: 447-51, 1964.
3. CROMACK, A.S. - An electron microscopc study of virus-like particles in chiek embryo and L cells cultures. J. gen. virol., 2: 195-8, 1968.
4. DE HARVEN, E. - ldentification of tissue culture contaminants by electron microscopy. In : FOGH, J., cd. - Contamination in iieeue culture. N ew York, Academic Press, 1973. p. 205-31.
5. MURPHY, F.A.; HALONEN, P.E. & HARRISON, A.R. - Electron microscopy of development of Rubella virus in BHK-21 cells. J. Viro I, 2: 1223-7, 1968.
6. MUSSGAY, M.; RECZKO, E. & AHL, R. Demonstration of virus-like particles in a bovine cell line. J. gen. Viro I., 4 :445-7, 1969.
7. REYNOLDS, E.S. - The use of lead citrate at high p H as an electron-opaque stain in electron microscopy. J. Cell. Biol., 17: 208-12, 1963.
8. ROSSlGNOL, J.M.; KRESS, M. & RECONDO, A.M. - Reverse transcriptase activity associated with R-type virus-like particles of SV 40 - transformed hamster cells (TSV. clone 2). Intervirology, 5: 273-92, 1975.
9. SHIPMAN, C.J.; VANDER WEIDE, G.C. & ILMA, B. - Prevalence of type R vírus-Iike particles in clories of BHK-21 cells. Virology, 38 :707-10, 1969.
10. WElGL, D.R. & KlSlELIUS, J.J. - A resina Polylite na microscopia eletrônica. Cienc. Cult., São Paulo, 24 (6, supl.) : 212, 1972.

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Copyright (c) 1982 Marli Ueda, Hatune Tanaka, Dalton R. Joazeiro, Paulo P. Weigl
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