A toxina paralisante dos moluscos foi pesquisada em amostras de ostras, mariscos e peixes, colhidas em diferentes praias do litoral paulista. Foram empregados dois procedimentos analíticos: o químico e o bioensaio. Em decorrência do aparecimento de manchas avermelhadas nas águas e mortalidade de peixes na região, no período de agosto a setembro de 1983, suspeitou-se do fenômeno de "maré vermelhra". A toxina não foi detectada em nenhuma das amostras, pelos dois métodos empregados, que permitem segurança dos resultados, considerando que os testes foram realizados com o padrão de saxi toxina.
1. AMERICAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION '- Recommended procedures of the examination of sea water and ehellfieh: 4th ed. New York, N.Y., APHA, 1970. p. 57-66.
2. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of the Association of Oflicial analytical chemists. 12 th ed. Washington, D.C., AOAC, 1975. p. 319-21. [itens 18.070-18.076]
3. BATES, H.A.; KOSTRIKEN, R. & RAPOPORT, H. - A chemical assay for saxitoxin improvements and modifications. J. agric. Food Chem., 26 :252-4, 1978.
4. BATES, H.A. & RAPOPORT, H. - A chemical assay of saxitoxin, the paralytic slrellfish poison. J. agric. Food Chem., 23: 237-9, 1975.
5. BORDNER, J.; THIESSAN, W.E.; BATES, H.A. & RAPOPORT, H. - The structure of a crystalline derivative of saxitoxin. Tire structure of saxitoxin. J. am chem, Soc., 97: 6008-12, 1975.
6. CHU, F.S. & FAN, T.S.L. - Indirect enzyme immunosorbent assay of saxítoxin in shellfish. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 68: 13-16, 1985.
7. DAVISON, P. & MEDINA, D. - Control de Ia toxina paralitica de los moluscos en el Uruguay. Higiene alim., São Paulo, 3: 38-43, 1984.
8. DEWBERRY, E.E. - Food poisoning. Food-born infection and intoxieationS nature, history, and eausation, meaeures for prevention and controlo 4th ed. London, Leonard Hill, 1959. p. 274-8.
9. HALSTEAD, B.W. & SCHANTZ, E.J. Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Geneva, Word Health Organization, 1984. 60 p. (WHO offset publ. nº 79)
10. HUGHES, J.M. & MERSON, M.H. - Fish and shellfish poisoning. New Engl. J. Med., 295:1117-20, 1976.
11. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY (IPCS) - Aquatie (marine and freshwater) biotoxins. Geneva, WHO, 1984. p. 9-13; 29-41. (Environmental Health Criteria 37)
12. KAO, C.Y. - Pharmacology of tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin. Fed. Proc., 31: 1117-23, 1972.
13. KAO, C.Y. & NISHIY AMA, A. – Actions of saxitoxin on peripheral neuromuscular systems. J. Phisiol., 180: 50-66, 1965.
14. McFARREN, E.F. - Report on collaborative studies of the bioassay for paralytic shellfish poison. J. Assoc. off, anal. Chem, 42:263-71, 1959.
15. McFARREN, E. F.; SCHANTZ, E.J.; CAMPBELL, J.E. & LEWIS, K.H. - Chemical determina tion of paralytic shellfislr poison in clams. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 41: 168-77, 1958.
16. McFARREN, E.F.; SCHANTZ, E.J.; CAMPBELL, J.E. & LEWIS, K.H. - A modified J affe test for determina tion of paraIytc shellfish poison, J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 42 :399-404, 1959.
17. MEYER, K.F.; SOMMER, H. & SCHOENHOLZ, ,P. - Mussel poisoning. J. Prev. Med., 2 :365-94, 1928.
18. MOLD, J.D.; BOWDEN, J.P.; STANGER, D.W.; MAURRER, J.E.; LYNCH, J.M.; WYLER, R.S.; SCHANTZ, E.J. & RIEGEL, B. - Paralytic shellfish poison. VII. Evidence for the pu'ri ty of the poison isolated from toxic clams and musseIs. J. am. chem, Soc., 79:5235-8, 1957.
19. POPKISS, M.E.E.; HORSTMAN, D.A. & HARPUR, D. - Paralytic shellfish poisoni ng : a report of 17 cases ín Cape Town. Shouth afr, medo J., 55:1017-1023, 1979.
20. RIEGEL, B.; STANGER, D.W.; WIKHOLM, D.M.; MOLD, J.D. & SOMMER, H .. Paralytic shellfish poison. V. The primary source of the poison, the marine plankton organism, Gonyaulax catenella, J. biol. Chem., 177:7-11, 1949.
21. SCHANTZ, E.J.; LYNCH, J.M.; VAYVADA, G.; MATSUMOTO, K. & RAPOPORT, H. - The pu rif'ica'tion and characterization of the poison produced by Gonyaulax eatenella in axenic culture. Biochemistry, 5: 1191-5, 1966.
22. SCHANTZ, E.J.; McFARREN, E.F; SCHAFER, M.L. & LEWIS, K.H. - Puri Iir-d shellfish poison for bioassay standardisation, J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 41: 160••8, 1958.
23. SCHANTZ, E.J.; MOLD, J.D.; STANGER, D.W.; SHAVEL, J.; RIEL, F.J.; BOWDEN, J.P.; LYNCH, J.M.; WYLER, R.S.; RIEGEL, B. & SOMMER, H. - ParaIytic shellfish poison. VI. A procedure for the isolation and purification of the poison from toxic clam and mussel tissues. J. amer. chem, Soc., 79 :5230-5, 1957.
24. SOMMER, H. & MEYER, K.F. - Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Areh. Pathol., 24: 560-98, 1937.
25. SOMMER, H.; WHEDON, W.F.; KOFOID, C.A. & STOHLER, R. - Relation of paralytic shellfish poison to certain plankton organisms of the genus Gonyaulax. Areh. Pathol., 24 :537-59, 1937.
26. SULLIVAN, J.J. & IWAOKA, W.T. - High pressure liquid clrromatographic determination of toxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning. J. Assoc. off, anal. Chem., 66 :297-303, 1983.
27. WATTS, J.S.; REILLY, J.; COSTA, F.M. & KROP, S. - Acute toxicity of paralytic shellfish poison in rats of different ages. Toxicol. appl. Pharmacol., 8:286-94, 1966.
28. WIBERG, G.S. & STHEPHENSON, N.R. - Toxicologic studies on paralytic .shellfish poison. Toxicol. appl. Pharmac., 2:607-15, 1960.
2. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official methods of the Association of Oflicial analytical chemists. 12 th ed. Washington, D.C., AOAC, 1975. p. 319-21. [itens 18.070-18.076]
3. BATES, H.A.; KOSTRIKEN, R. & RAPOPORT, H. - A chemical assay for saxitoxin improvements and modifications. J. agric. Food Chem., 26 :252-4, 1978.
4. BATES, H.A. & RAPOPORT, H. - A chemical assay of saxitoxin, the paralytic slrellfish poison. J. agric. Food Chem., 23: 237-9, 1975.
5. BORDNER, J.; THIESSAN, W.E.; BATES, H.A. & RAPOPORT, H. - The structure of a crystalline derivative of saxitoxin. Tire structure of saxitoxin. J. am chem, Soc., 97: 6008-12, 1975.
6. CHU, F.S. & FAN, T.S.L. - Indirect enzyme immunosorbent assay of saxítoxin in shellfish. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 68: 13-16, 1985.
7. DAVISON, P. & MEDINA, D. - Control de Ia toxina paralitica de los moluscos en el Uruguay. Higiene alim., São Paulo, 3: 38-43, 1984.
8. DEWBERRY, E.E. - Food poisoning. Food-born infection and intoxieationS nature, history, and eausation, meaeures for prevention and controlo 4th ed. London, Leonard Hill, 1959. p. 274-8.
9. HALSTEAD, B.W. & SCHANTZ, E.J. Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Geneva, Word Health Organization, 1984. 60 p. (WHO offset publ. nº 79)
10. HUGHES, J.M. & MERSON, M.H. - Fish and shellfish poisoning. New Engl. J. Med., 295:1117-20, 1976.
11. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY (IPCS) - Aquatie (marine and freshwater) biotoxins. Geneva, WHO, 1984. p. 9-13; 29-41. (Environmental Health Criteria 37)
12. KAO, C.Y. - Pharmacology of tetrodotoxin and saxitoxin. Fed. Proc., 31: 1117-23, 1972.
13. KAO, C.Y. & NISHIY AMA, A. – Actions of saxitoxin on peripheral neuromuscular systems. J. Phisiol., 180: 50-66, 1965.
14. McFARREN, E.F. - Report on collaborative studies of the bioassay for paralytic shellfish poison. J. Assoc. off, anal. Chem, 42:263-71, 1959.
15. McFARREN, E. F.; SCHANTZ, E.J.; CAMPBELL, J.E. & LEWIS, K.H. - Chemical determina tion of paralytic shellfislr poison in clams. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 41: 168-77, 1958.
16. McFARREN, E.F.; SCHANTZ, E.J.; CAMPBELL, J.E. & LEWIS, K.H. - A modified J affe test for determina tion of paraIytc shellfish poison, J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 42 :399-404, 1959.
17. MEYER, K.F.; SOMMER, H. & SCHOENHOLZ, ,P. - Mussel poisoning. J. Prev. Med., 2 :365-94, 1928.
18. MOLD, J.D.; BOWDEN, J.P.; STANGER, D.W.; MAURRER, J.E.; LYNCH, J.M.; WYLER, R.S.; SCHANTZ, E.J. & RIEGEL, B. - Paralytic shellfish poison. VII. Evidence for the pu'ri ty of the poison isolated from toxic clams and musseIs. J. am. chem, Soc., 79:5235-8, 1957.
19. POPKISS, M.E.E.; HORSTMAN, D.A. & HARPUR, D. - Paralytic shellfish poisoni ng : a report of 17 cases ín Cape Town. Shouth afr, medo J., 55:1017-1023, 1979.
20. RIEGEL, B.; STANGER, D.W.; WIKHOLM, D.M.; MOLD, J.D. & SOMMER, H .. Paralytic shellfish poison. V. The primary source of the poison, the marine plankton organism, Gonyaulax catenella, J. biol. Chem., 177:7-11, 1949.
21. SCHANTZ, E.J.; LYNCH, J.M.; VAYVADA, G.; MATSUMOTO, K. & RAPOPORT, H. - The pu rif'ica'tion and characterization of the poison produced by Gonyaulax eatenella in axenic culture. Biochemistry, 5: 1191-5, 1966.
22. SCHANTZ, E.J.; McFARREN, E.F; SCHAFER, M.L. & LEWIS, K.H. - Puri Iir-d shellfish poison for bioassay standardisation, J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 41: 160••8, 1958.
23. SCHANTZ, E.J.; MOLD, J.D.; STANGER, D.W.; SHAVEL, J.; RIEL, F.J.; BOWDEN, J.P.; LYNCH, J.M.; WYLER, R.S.; RIEGEL, B. & SOMMER, H. - ParaIytic shellfish poison. VI. A procedure for the isolation and purification of the poison from toxic clam and mussel tissues. J. amer. chem, Soc., 79 :5230-5, 1957.
24. SOMMER, H. & MEYER, K.F. - Paralytic shellfish poisoning. Areh. Pathol., 24: 560-98, 1937.
25. SOMMER, H.; WHEDON, W.F.; KOFOID, C.A. & STOHLER, R. - Relation of paralytic shellfish poison to certain plankton organisms of the genus Gonyaulax. Areh. Pathol., 24 :537-59, 1937.
26. SULLIVAN, J.J. & IWAOKA, W.T. - High pressure liquid clrromatographic determination of toxins associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning. J. Assoc. off, anal. Chem., 66 :297-303, 1983.
27. WATTS, J.S.; REILLY, J.; COSTA, F.M. & KROP, S. - Acute toxicity of paralytic shellfish poison in rats of different ages. Toxicol. appl. Pharmacol., 8:286-94, 1966.
28. WIBERG, G.S. & STHEPHENSON, N.R. - Toxicologic studies on paralytic .shellfish poison. Toxicol. appl. Pharmac., 2:607-15, 1960.

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