Search for paralytic shellfish poison in fish
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paralytic shellfish poison in fish, determination
saxitoxin, determination in oysters, shellfishes and fishes
fluorimetric method, bioassay

How to Cite

Lamardo LC, Lamardo LC, Gelli DS, Sabino M. Search for paralytic shellfish poison in fish. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1986 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 26];46(1-2):87-90. Available from:


The paralytic shellfish poison was searched in, samples of oysters, shellfishes and fishes catched in various beach es of São Paulo state's
shore. Two analytical procedures, one chemical and a bioassay, were employed. Red spots in water and dead fishes appeared in August to September, 1983. This was suspicious of "red tide" occurence, It was not detected toxin by the performance of the two methods. The resulta are considered significant, because it was used a saxi toxin standard for eon trol of the tests.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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