É proposto um sistema simples para mineralização, por via úmida, de amostras de alimentos contendo matéria orgânica. Foram testados vários tipos de alimentos e constatou-se que a aparelhagem apresenta eficiência e vantagem em relação aos métodos normalmente utilizados para destruição de matéria orgânica nas determinações de contaminantes metálicos em alimentos.
1. BLACK, L.T. - Comparison of three atomic absorption techniques for determining metais in soybean oi!. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.,12: 88-91, 1975.
2. KAKULU, S.E.; OSINBAJO, O. & AYAYI, S.O. Comparison of digestion methods for trace metal determination in f'ish. Int. J. Environ , anal. Chem.,30(3): 209-17, 1987. Apud Food Sci. Teehnol. Abstr.20(1O), 1988-1OR5.
3. MENDEN, E.E.; BROCKMAN, D.; CHOUDHURY, H. & PETERING, H. G. - Dry ashing of animal tissues for atomic absorption spectrometric deterrnination of zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium, Anal. Chem.,49 (11) : 1644-5, 1977.
4. METHODS for destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 85 :643-656, 1960.
5. PREER, R.J.; STEPHENS, R.E. & BLAND, c.w. - Sample preparation in determination of lead in garden vegetables by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. J. Assoc. Off. anal. Chem., 65(4): 1010-15, 1982.
6. SA TZGER, R.D.; BONNIN, E. & FRICKE, F.L. Development of a quality assurance program for determination of ultratrace background levels of lead and anodic stripping voltametry. J. Assoc. Off. anal. Chem.,67(6): 1138-40, 1984.
7. SERRA, T.M. & SERRANO, J.F.V. - Influence of phosphorus and calcium on flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of lead in canned fish products. J. Assoc. Off. anal, Chem., 67(1): 186-7, 1984.
8. THE USE of 50 per cent hydrogen peroxide for the destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 92: 4037, 1967.
9. THE USE of 50 per cent hydrogen peroxide for the destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 101: 62-6, 1976.
10. THORNBURG, W. - Precautions in ashing techniques for lead determination in food. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 65(4): 992-3, 1982.
2. KAKULU, S.E.; OSINBAJO, O. & AYAYI, S.O. Comparison of digestion methods for trace metal determination in f'ish. Int. J. Environ , anal. Chem.,30(3): 209-17, 1987. Apud Food Sci. Teehnol. Abstr.20(1O), 1988-1OR5.
3. MENDEN, E.E.; BROCKMAN, D.; CHOUDHURY, H. & PETERING, H. G. - Dry ashing of animal tissues for atomic absorption spectrometric deterrnination of zinc, copper, cadmium, lead, iron, manganese, magnesium and calcium, Anal. Chem.,49 (11) : 1644-5, 1977.
4. METHODS for destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 85 :643-656, 1960.
5. PREER, R.J.; STEPHENS, R.E. & BLAND, c.w. - Sample preparation in determination of lead in garden vegetables by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. J. Assoc. Off. anal. Chem., 65(4): 1010-15, 1982.
6. SA TZGER, R.D.; BONNIN, E. & FRICKE, F.L. Development of a quality assurance program for determination of ultratrace background levels of lead and anodic stripping voltametry. J. Assoc. Off. anal. Chem.,67(6): 1138-40, 1984.
7. SERRA, T.M. & SERRANO, J.F.V. - Influence of phosphorus and calcium on flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric determination of lead in canned fish products. J. Assoc. Off. anal, Chem., 67(1): 186-7, 1984.
8. THE USE of 50 per cent hydrogen peroxide for the destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 92: 4037, 1967.
9. THE USE of 50 per cent hydrogen peroxide for the destruction of organic matter - Analyst, 101: 62-6, 1976.
10. THORNBURG, W. - Precautions in ashing techniques for lead determination in food. J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., 65(4): 992-3, 1982.

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Copyright (c) 1989 Alice Momoyo Sakuma, Jorge José do Vale Oliveira, Odair Zenebon, Paulo Tiglea, Maria Anita Scorsafava
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