After mango industrial processing, the kernel and the peel are usually discarded without being suitably used. This study investigates the morphological and functional characteristics, and other properties of native and oxidized starch paste prepared from the seed (kernel) of Tommy Atkins variety mango, aiming at finding a potential source of starch, at ways to improving it and to supporting the use of residues from the food industry. The starchy extract showed 71.56% of starch, 7.30% of lipids, 5.6% of proteins and 10.30% of moisture. The percentage of carbonyl and carboxyl groups was of 0.05% and 0.09%, respectively. Oxidation did not notably change the granules of native and modified starch. Swelling capacity and solubility were shown to be dependent on temperature and pH for both starches, and the highest value was observed in oxidized starch at 95 °C (13.112 g/g). Oxidized starch showed the highest water absorption capacity (105.97%), and the highest oil absorption capacity (59.78%) was found in native starch. The following paste properties were observed: an increase in paste temperature, peak viscosity, hold, breakdown, final viscosity and setback of the oxidized starch when compared to native one. According to the properties evaluated, both starches might be applicable in food industry.
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