This research deals with sensory evaluation of a strawberry-flavored yoghurt made from caprine, bubaline and caprine-bubaline milk mixtures by using the quantitative and descriptive analysis (QDA) and the sensory acceptance test. 5 experimental milk groups were assessed: C (100% caprine milk), 7C3B (70% caprine milk and 30% bubaline milk), 5C5B (50% caprine milk and 50% bubaline milk), 3C7B (30% caprine milk and 70% bubaline milk) and B (100% bubaline milk). According to QDA results, the yoghurt made from bubaline milk (group B) showed highest firmness and acidity than all other milk sample groups. All the experimental groups made from the mixtures of two milks achieved similar good sensory scores. These findings evidenced that the mixture of caprine and bubaline milks might be an efficient strategy to produce a new dairy product with good consistency and pleasant flavor.References
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