The present study aimed at evaluating the concordance between PCR and microbiological culture techniques for analysing organs samples from cattle with suspected lesions of tuberculosis. Fifty-two samples collected from slaughterhouses were analyzed by microbiological culture, and the extracted DNA was amplified by PCR using NZ1 and NZ2 primers. These primers identify the mycobacteria belonging to M. tuberculosis complex, and the primers pair pncA differentiate the M . bovis from M. tuberculosis species. The colonies isolated from 30 samples were suspended, and the extracted DNA was amplified by PCR using the same primer pairs. Although the agreement has been considered weak (k = 0.175) between microbiological culture and PCR performed directly in clinical samples using NZ1 and NZ2 primers, the two pairs of primers could amplify the target genes when 100% of the extracted DNA from 30 isolated colonies were used. Thus, PCR employing pncA primer pair enabled to identify M.bovis in the isolated colonies at a short time when compared with the biochemical assays. The concomitant use of PCR and bacteriologic culture techniques hastens the confirmation of detected agent, which is essential in conducting the epidemiological studies and in taking preventive control measures.References
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