Food sold at schools and the intervention strategies for promoting healthy nourishments at schools: a systematic review
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school canteen
school food
commercialized food
food and nutrition policies

How to Cite

Gabriel CG, Ricardo GD, Vasconcelos F de AG de, Corso ACT, Assis MAA de, Pietro PFD. Food sold at schools and the intervention strategies for promoting healthy nourishments at schools: a systematic review. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];70(4):572-83. Available from:


With the aim at conducting a systematic literature review regarding to the food marketed at schools, as well on the intervention strategies for promoting the healthy nourishment, a search was carried out in the Medline, Lilacs and SciELO-Br databases on scientific articles published from January 2002 to June 2011. Among the twenty-six articles included in this analysis, nineteen evidenced a wide availability of foods with low nutritional value at schools, and a lack of implementation and evaluation of school food policies. Seven articles reported the positive intervention strategies aimed at increasing the availability and the sale of healthy food at schools. Despite the existence of policies for food and intervention strategies in schools, the nutritional value of the food for sale is troublesome. Implementation of well-designed public policies aiming at strengthening the healthy nourishment, is important to assure the health promotion at schools. At the same time, the strict controls are essential for assessing the legislation effectiveness. It is also necessary to undertake systematic and longitudinal studies to follow up on the implementation of measures for improving the nutritional quality of foods sold at the school surroundings and of those offered in school meals.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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