The purpose of this study was to develop a formulation for preparing low-caloric, sugar-free and high fiber contents-containing cakes, in order to obtain a light, diet food and with functional properties. The percentages of added polydextrose and emulsifier for replacing the fat were established by Response Surface Methodology. Inulin was added as a source of fiber in the proportions of 6, 12, 18 and 24%. The products were evaluated on raw dough specific density, specific volume, cakes acceptance and appearance. The formulation with 100% fat replacement and 1.5% emulsifier addition showed the highest attributes ranks and calorie reduction was around 30% and being classified as light food. This formulation can be further classified as “food with low fat” because the total fat contents was lower than 3 g/100 g of product and as “diet” food due to the absence of sucrose in its preparation. Enrichment of light/diet formulation with 18% inulin resulted in a product containing high fiber contents (7.44 g/100 g). The final cake product is a healthy and tasty food which might be included in diet of consumers with special needs and those who care for health
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