Effect of elevated contents of resistant starch: on the blood glucose and on the food acceptability
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glycemic response
food storage
sensory analysis

How to Cite

Basso C, Silva LP da, Bender ABB, Silveira F da. Effect of elevated contents of resistant starch: on the blood glucose and on the food acceptability. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];70(3):276-82. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32533


This study assessed the effect of resistant starch contents increase on blood glucose rate and the influence of freezing procedure, used for increasing these contents, on the acceptability of foods consumed on diet. Meals consisted of rice, beans and pasta containing 4.36%, 2.10% and 2.50% of resistant starch, respectively, were cooked and meals containing 7.25%, 4.77% and 5.45% of resistant starch, respectively, were cooked and stored at –18 °C for sixty days. These meals were assessed on glycemic response and sensory analysis. As for glycemic response, the glucose medium increase occurred at thirty minutes after ingestion, which was higher comparing to ninety minutes for meals consisted of cooked and stored food and thefreshly cooked one; no significant differences were found at the both times evaluated. Among the rice samples no significant difference was found in appearance, smell, texture and flavor; for mass sample, this difference was not found in odor only. As for beans, the difference was detected in the appearance of stored sample. Increasing resistant starch contents due to the freezing process did not reflect on the glycemic response and the foods subjected to freezing and thawing procedure were well accepted after being thawed and heating.

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