The color of meat products is determined by the pigment myoglobin and this physical characteristic is a remarkable factor for consumer acceptability and as suggestive of quality evidence. There is a correlation between the lipid oxidation and this pigment, which influences on the meat color and this issue led to study the antioxidants. This study assessed the performance of phycocyanin, α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid in preserving the characteristic color of smoked sausage, when they used as partial substitute for nitrite. The sausages were prepared following six treatments (0.005% sodium nitrite + specific antioxidant) and a control (0 A) containing nitrite only. The treatments were: 1 A and 1 B (adding ascorbic acid), 2 A and 2 B (α-tocopherol), 3 A and 3 B (phycocyanin). The color, pH and residual nitrite characteristics were analyzed. The 2 B treatment was mostly effective in maintaining the red color due to α-tocopherol action. The addition of ascorbic acid (1 A treatment) accelerated the metamyoglobin reduction and the nitrite conversion to nitric oxide. The addition of phycocyanin decreased the intensity of red color (3 A treatment) and it increased the yellow color intensity and luminosity.
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