Assessing the effect in young rats fed with ostrich meat hamburger and commercial beef hamburger, by analyzing the total cholesterol and lipoprotein fractions contents
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ostrich meat

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Silva JA da, Nóbrega E da S, Costa MJ de C, Barbosa MQ, Carvalho Filho EV de. Assessing the effect in young rats fed with ostrich meat hamburger and commercial beef hamburger, by analyzing the total cholesterol and lipoprotein fractions contents. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];70(3):324-31. Available from:


Consuming less calorific products manufactured with fat substitutes is a viable alternative to produce healthy foods, mainly for young people and adolescents who are the major consumers of fast food. This study assessed the effects of the consumption of hamburger of ostrich (Struthio camelus) thigh (Gastrocnemius pars internal) meat and beef burger on the total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDLcholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol contents. Three groups of 11 male 50 day-aged Wistar rats were fed with three types of diets, group A (ostrich group) consumed a diet containing ostrich meat burger, group B (bovine group) fed with beef burger and group C (casein control group) with standard casein diet for a period of 50 days. The ostrich hamburger meat showed best qualities when compared with the beef burger in analysing the chemical composition and quantification of the fatty acids and the more balanced lipid profile. On histopathological examination a feature of fatty liver on the lamina was shown in samples from the animal of beef burger - consuming group. The highest fat percentage was also found in this group, probably owing to being fed with a fatter diet.
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