This study aimed at analyzing the mineral contents of paçoquinha formulations employing regional raw materials from northeastern Brazil: cashew nut flour, cassava flour, corn meal, molasses and honey. And these mineral contents were compared with marketed peanut paçoquinha. Two paçoquinha formulations were prepared, one adding bovine liver (BL) at different concentrations and other was bovine liver-free (BLF). The minerals contents were analyzed by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. The mean values (mg/100g) detected in product containing 5%, 7.5%, 10% BL were respectively: Mg (112,5; 112.0; 111.0); Mn (1.10; 1.13; 1.06); P (299; 315; 321) Fe (4.0; 4.75; 4.59); Na (378; 369; 361); Zn (3.24; 3.4; 3.4); Se (0.1; 0.1; 0.1); and for BLF: Mg (111.0); Mn (1.10); P (278.0); Fe (4.1); Na (346.0); Zn (2.85). Paçoquinha with 5% BL showed higher contents of Na , P ), Zn and Se than formulation BLF. Also highest contents of Mg, P, Fe, Na, K, Cu, Zn were found in paçoquinhas 5% BL and BLF when compared with peanut paçocas stated in of Chemical Composition of National Food Tables. Paçoquinhas produced with regional raw materials show potential for large scale production owing to higher minerals contents than peanut paçocas.
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