Rapid analysis for predicting the expansion of the polvilho azedo



How to Cite

Marcon MJA, Kurtz DJ, Maraschin M, Reginatto V, Amante ER. Rapid analysis for predicting the expansion of the polvilho azedo. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];70(2):199-205. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32572


Sour cassava starch (polvilho azedo) is a chemically and enzymatically modified starch. It is used to prepare the traditional baked goods. Because of its satisfactory expansion property, a light and alveolar structure is produced in baked food prepared with sour cassava starch, without adding any chemical or biological ferment. This study reports some easy and simple procedures for pre-estimating sour cassava starch expansion property. The correlation between the native cassava starches and the laboratory-produced sour cassava starch was analyzed. An investigation among the local bakers was carried out for inquiring into the polvilho azedo choice, and it disclosed some product brands. The polvilho azedo samples from these brands were also evaluated. Acid factor, pH, specific volume, swelling power and intrinsic viscosity characteristics were directly correlated with expansion property. The procedures for determining acid factor, pH and weight loss are easy and accessible methodologies which might be carried out at small industries and bakeries.



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