Effects of milk-based formulation of pumpkin flakes and inulin on growth and development of rats after weaning
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vitamin A
physiological development

How to Cite

Souza ACM de, Salgado SM, Livera AVS, Bion FM, Andrade SAC, Silveira KC da, Faro ZP de, Guerra NB. Effects of milk-based formulation of pumpkin flakes and inulin on growth and development of rats after weaning. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];70(2):206-12. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32573


The effects of a milk-based formulation of pumpkin flakes and inulin on post weaning rat growth and development of 36 male white Wister rats were evaluated. The animals were randomly divided in three groups of 12: casein experimental pattern (GC) – GM+FA and GM+FAI – modified by the addition of 6% milk-based formulation of pumpkin flakes supplemented with 3% inulin, respectively, during 28 days. We assessed the microbiological and centesimal chemical composition of pumpkin flakes, body weight gain, food intake and coefficient of food efficiency. After dissection, the liver weight and pro-vitamin A and beta-carotene levels in GC and GM + FA were registered. A significant decrease in food intake on GC: considerable body weight gain in the GM+FAI was observed, in relation to the rest of the groups, and a substantial difference between the GC and GM+FAI in relation to CEA (food coefficient). The vitamin A and beta-carotene were significantly higher in GM + FA. The results show that inulin exerts beneficial effects on the development and growth of the rats after weaning.

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