Tucupi, a product highly consumed by population living in the north of Brazil, is obtained by fermenting and cooking manipueira, which is produced from dry cassava flour. For producing the tucupi, cassava roots with high contents of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) are used, and it is hazardous product when it is consumed. This study analyzed the total and free cyanide contents during the whole processing steps of manipueira until getting the final production of tucupi. In addition, pH, total acidity and soluble solids contents were determined during the all processing steps of tucupi production. The newly extracted manipueira showed 227.8 mg HCN/L of total cyanide and 46.6 mg HCN/L of free cyanide. After being treated by fermentation, manipueira showed a decrease in HCN contents, and the values of 37.1 mg HCN/L of total cyanide and 8.9 mg HCN/L of free cyanide were found in the final product tucupi. The values of pH (3.6), total acidity (12.3 meq NaOH/100mL) and soluble solids (8.1 ºBrix) were found. In this study, the tucupi did not show high contents of total and free cyanide by employing fermentation and cooking processes of manipueira.
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