Phytic acid addition into hamburger-type meat product
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sodium eritorbate
phytic acid
shelf life

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Brum FB, Macagnan FT, Monego MA, Kaminski TA, Silva LP da. Phytic acid addition into hamburger-type meat product. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2011 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];70(1):47-52. Available from:


This study evaluated the effects of addition of phytic acid on the color and the shelf life indicators in hamburger-type meat product. Products prepared from three phytic acid treatments (0.08, 0.10 and 0.20%) and one standard with addition of sodium erythorbate (0.10%) were stored at -20 ºC for 90 days, and the samples were periodically analyzed every 15 days. The standard treatment was mostly effective in maintaining color during the initial stages, while the treatment with 0.20% of phytic acid showed lowest variation and highest intensity of color at the final period of storage. The pH values did not show significant difference and remained adequate for the product. The values of reactive substances to thiobarbituric acid showed an initial anomalous behavior, but they became stable after 30 days in the presence of different concentrations of phytic acid, and maintained significantly low values when compared with the standard product. These findings suggest a potential use of phytic acid addition into hamburger-type meat product.
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