Sodium cyclamate contents in the widely consumed low calorie soft drinks were determined. Low calorie soft drinks made from cola, guarana, orange, lemon and grape were analyzed following the technique described by Sjörberg and Alanko (1987), with some modifications. The methodology recovery assays were carried out at three spiked levels, and the average recovery of 92.5% and 110.3% were found in cola and guarana, respectively; and the relative standard deviation was of 3.7%. The average sodium cyclamate contents ranged from 27.1 ± 1.1 (cola A) to 127.3 ± 1.5 mg.100 mL-1 (lemon B), indicating that the acceptable daily intake of the sweetener can be easily exceeded after drinking low calorie beverages. All of the analyzed low calorie soft drinks showed sodium cyclamate contents higher than those stated on the label, ranging from 12.9% (cola A) to 19.0% (lemon B). Among 18 low calorie soft drinks analyzed, only four showed the average sodium cyclamate contents in accordance with the maximum limit permitted by Brazilian legislation, that is 40 mg.100 mL-1 of beverage; and in other samples the sweetener exceeded ranging from 74.8% (orange) to 218.3% (lemon B) above of the limit permitted.
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