Salmonella Enteritidis: the significance of the epidemiological investigation, analysis of food and fecal culture for elucidating 167 foodborne outbreaks
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Salmonella Enteritidis
epidemiological inquiries

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Simões M, Rocha MMM, Pisani B, Prandi M Ângela G, Lemes-Marques EG. Salmonella Enteritidis: the significance of the epidemiological investigation, analysis of food and fecal culture for elucidating 167 foodborne outbreaks. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(4):497-502. Available from:


Human illness caused by infection with Salmonella Enteritidis associated with egg products increased worldwide beginning as early as the mid-70s, and by 1990 this serovar was the primary cause of salmonellosis in the world. This study reports the foodborne outbreaks caused by Salmonella Enteritidis occurred in the southeastern region of São Paulo State, Brazil, from 1995 to 2008. Also, the importance of the epidemiological investigation to elucidate the foodborne outbreaks is considered. The combined analysis on the data from the food culture, the feces culture and the epidemiological inquiries showed the occurrence of 167 S. Enteritidis-positive outbreaks, based on 59 (35.3%) epidemiological inquiries only. Of 167 outbreaks, 48 (28.7%) were elucidated by food analysis only; 25 (15%) by food and feces analysis; and 94 (56.3%) by feces culture only. Epidemiological and microbiological investigations showed that the home-made mayonnaise (58.2%) was the most frequent food being as the vehicle of infection. The epidemiological investigation of foodborne outbreaks should be improved by implementing the data, the foods and biological specimens collecting procedures, and also, people should be instructed about the risks of consuming foods containing raw or under cooked eggs.
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