In order to achieve the assured quality in carcasses, cuts or boneless poultry meat, some fundamental procedures must be followed throughout the poultry chain, from the farm to consumers. Poultry products are considered as foods with high risk for diseases transmission such as campilobacteriosis. As the chicken meat is highly consumed by Brazilian people, this study was conducted to analyze the role of the chilling stage in the poultry processing in inducing the contamination with Campylobacter spp. For this purpose, samples from the carcasses were swabbed after chilling, and also the chilling water was analyzed. Campylobacter spp positive results were shown in 27% of the analyzed carcasses. The isolates were identified and biotypified, and the predominance of Campylobacter jejuni biotype I was showed; however, Campylobacter was not isolated from chilling water sample. Considering that neither the chilling in chlorinated water nor any other step in the poultry processing do eliminate and/or inactivate the bacterium, the bacteria contamination control should start just at the breeding stage, in the alive bird. Since the bacterium is heat sensible, it is advisable to consume well-cooked poultry, and to avoid cross contamination with raw foods.References
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