Protein and food qualities of brown flaxseed whole flour from the raw and heat–treated seeds
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protein quality of foods
food analysis
food composition
functional food
bioactive compounds in foods

How to Cite

Moraes Érica A, Carraro JCC, Dantas MI de S, Costa NMB, Ribeiro SMR, Martino HSD. Protein and food qualities of brown flaxseed whole flour from the raw and heat–treated seeds. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(4):531-6. Available from:


Flaxseed is an oilseed that arises concerns for its high contents of bioactive compounds and proteins, although little is known about the presumable interference of these compounds in its protein quality. This study evaluated the protein quality, and the concentration of phenolic compounds and of dietary fiber in raw and heat-treated (150oC for 15 minutes) brown flaxseed whole flour. The protein quality was analyzed in weaned Wistar rats. When the seeds were exposed to heat treatment, an increase of 2.4% in the total phenolic contents and reductions of 10% and 80% were observed in the myo-inositol hexaphosphate and pentaphosphate contents, respectively. The weight gain of animals, the Food Efficiency Ratio, the Protein Efficiency Ratio and the Net Protein Ratio were lower in animals fed with flaxseed-containing diets, when compared with the casein diet, however the heat treatment did not affect the protein quality of flaxseed. Further studies might clarify whether the used heat treatment was not sufficient to inactivate the antinutritional factors that affect the protein digestibility of this food.
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