Chemical composition of mixtures with green banana and nut Brazil flours
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chemical composition
green banana
Brazilian nuts

How to Cite

Medeiros MJ, Oliveira PAC de, Souza JML de, Silva RF da, Souza ML de. Chemical composition of mixtures with green banana and nut Brazil flours. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(3):396-402. Available from:


The mixtures of green banana and Brazilian nut flours were prepared and characterized on food nutritional
additive value. Varied percentage of Brazilian nut flour (5%, 10% and 15%) were combined with green banana flour. The centesimal composition of the mixture was determined by means of chemical analyses in the individual raw materials and in the mixed flours. For being distinct raw materials, the centesimal composition of both green banana and Brazilian nut flours showed significant differences in all of the
analyzed chemical constituents. An increase in the average contents of proteins, lipids, and ashes, and a
decrease in total carbohydrates were found in the mixed flours. The mixture of Brazilian nut flour in up to 15% in green banana flour demonstrated the best nutritional value when compared with the respective raw materials. It is suggested to perform further studies on the same raw materials and adding Brazilian nut flours containing low lipid contents, for increasing the concentration of the total fibers, proteins and minerals contents in the prepared flours mixtures.
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