Historical and technological aspects of the cuiabana sausage manufacturing procedure
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fresh sausage
microbiological analysis
sensory evaluation

How to Cite

Carvalho CCP de, Lopes Filho F, Hoffmann FL, Romanelli PF. Historical and technological aspects of the cuiabana sausage manufacturing procedure. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Mar. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(3):428-33. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32648


This paper reports the data on the cuiabana sausage historical aspect, and from the study performed on its technical/sensory characteristics. Four formulations of cuiabana-type sausage were prepared, varying
the basic raw material (bovine, chicken and swine meats). For processing these sausages, the raw meats (beef, chicken and pork) were cut into cubes and together with the other ingredients (garlic, cheese, pepper and chives) they were weighed and homogenized. The resulting mixture was refrigerated for 24 hours
for intensifying the flavor. Thereafter, it was stuffed into natural casings. These prepared samples were characterized on the physical-chemical profile and on the shelf life under refrigeration for over a seven day-storage in order to assess the microbiological contamination (total coliforms and fecal thermotolerant bacteria), sulphite-reducing clostridium, Salmonella spp., coagulase-positive Staphylococcus), and pH. The
sensory evaluation and statistics analysis were carried out on the different types of laboratory- processed cuiabana sausage. Introducing over time changes in the cuiabana sausages formulation are positive factors; therefore, variations in the formulations...

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