Implementation of a strategy for improving the serological diagnosis of HIV/AIDS by introducing the internal quality control


quality control
HIV infection
AIDS serodiagnosis
anti-HIV antibodies

How to Cite

Castejón MJ, Yamashiro R, Oliveira CA de F, Ueda M. Implementation of a strategy for improving the serological diagnosis of HIV/AIDS by introducing the internal quality control. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(2):157-64. Available from:


The present study reports the data resulted from the first evaluation on the performance of the laboratory units of the HIV/AIDS Diagnosis Laboratory Network of the State of São Paulo, which have agreed to participate in the Internal Quality Control scheme for HIV antibody testing (HIV-IQC) at the respective routine diagnostic services. From April 2009 to February 2010, the HIV-IQC serum panels were distributed to 37 laboratories of the Sub-Network of São  Paulo State. Of these, 27 (73.0%) sent the forms back to the IAL-Central Lab with the achieved results from the IQC in HIV EIA/ELISA kits. Among 22 (59.5%) laboratories, which perform additional HIV antibody testing by indirect immunofluorescence-based assay
(HIV-IFA), 11 (50.0%) carried out the HIV-IFA IQC. As identical data were reported from procedures by employing the IQC samples in different batches of EIA/ELISA kits from the same manufacturers, it may inferred that the laboratories have complied with the recommended procedures, and that the standardized conduct has been followed. Furthermore, the analyses on reported results indicated that the majority of commercial diagnostic kits used for routine HIV antibody testing at the Network laboratories show good quality and reproducibility.


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