This study aimed at determining the total dietary fiber contents in yacon root pulp (YRP) and yacon flour (YF) by the AOAC enzymatic-gravimetric method, and fructans by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The YF was put through the process of cleaning, sanitizing, bleaching, and YRP was dried at 55 °C for 48 hours. The chemical composition of the YF and YRP was determined, being the total fiber contents
the sum of the determinations by enzymatic-gravimetric method and HPLC. High contents of total dietary fiber were detected in the dry mater of both YRP and YF samples (33.14 and 50.76%, respectively), being mostly fructooligosaccharides [FOS] (37.97 and 40.97%, respectively), and substantial inulin contents (26.10 and 20.75%, respectively). The chromatogram also showed high contents of fructose, glucose and sucrose as the sole source of carbohydrates besides fructans, inulin and FOS. The enzymatic-gravimetric methods are considered the most suitable for routine analysis of dietary fibers, but are ineffective for determining oligosaccharides with polymerization degree less than 12, as yacon. Thus, a complementary method, such
as HPLC, needs to be carried out to quantify the exacting dietary fiber contents in this root.
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