Analysis on rheological properties of proteins isolated from nuts from faveleira trees (Cnidosculus phyllacanthus (Mart.) Pax. et K. Hoffm.) with and without thorns
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protein classification
protein isolate

How to Cite

Cavalcanti MT, Bora PS. Analysis on rheological properties of proteins isolated from nuts from faveleira trees (Cnidosculus phyllacanthus (Mart.) Pax. et K. Hoffm.) with and without thorns. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Feb. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(2):243-51. Available from:


Faveleira grows throughout the caatinga biosphere in the Brazilian Northeast region. Its nuts contain potential nourishing oils and proteins. The proteins in nuts from faveleira with (FWT) and without thorns (FWOT) were classified, and the proteins viscosity was analyzed at different conditions and concentrations; also its use as an alternative food ingredient was evaluated. The nuts from both varieties of faveleira showed na elevated protein concentration of 26.2 and 30.70%, respectively; after removing the fat matter, the proteins contents turned 57.5 and 63.0%, respectively. The protein classification according to its solubility was
performed in defatted nuts, and the globulin fraction exhibited meaningful concentrations (63.3 and 63.9%, respectively). The nut of both faveleira varieties showed 81.0 and 90.0% of soluble proteins, respectively. By electrophoresis, the nuts from FWT showed four protein sub-units with MW ranging from 20.2 to 40.8 kDa, and seven protein sub-units ranging from 21.1 to 60.5 kDa in nuts from FWOT. Protein solutions at 1, 3, 5 e 7% were analyzed on viscosity, and a positive dependence correlation between viscosity and protein concentration was observed. The proteins in nuts from FWT showed higher viscosity than those from FWOT...
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