Improvement of the hygiene conditions in hot dog points of sale
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hot dog
food safety
food hygiene
street food

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Berbicz F, Genta TM de S, Mangolin CS, Fidelis JCF, Ferreira LR, Rodella JRT, Portilho M, Matioli G. Improvement of the hygiene conditions in hot dog points of sale. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2010 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];69(1):99-105. Available from:


The street food commerce might cause health risks to the population, although it satisfies the needs of obtaining fast low-cost foods, near the work and can be an alternative for the people sustenance. The present work aims at performing microbiology analyzes of foods produced and marketed in the streets of Maringá (PR) city, as well as to train them on Good Practices, considering the adaptation required by the Resolution 216/2004 (Govt. edict). Microbiology analyzes of 42 food samples were collected in the marketing points. In order to evaluate the application of Good Practices, a checklist was used. The microbiological analyses found contamination by Coliforms at 45°C in 14.3% of the samples and by Staphylococcus positive coagulase in 2.4% of the samples (RDC 12/2001). No contamination by Salmonella spp. and B. cereus was found in any of the samples. In the first checklist, a 33.4% non-conformity was detected. The Good Practices training program was enforced in 12 hours. After the second checklist accomplished in a sample of 10 street food points of sale, and there could be observed that some aspects such as hygiene have improved. There was a progress in the spread of the basic and applied knowledge for handling food, avoiding disease outbreaks spread by food.
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