Sunscreen, a public health issue: assessment of information on the labels of most solar protectors marketed in Brazil
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health surveillance

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Doria SR, Alves EN, Menezes KMP, Tomassini TCB. Sunscreen, a public health issue: assessment of information on the labels of most solar protectors marketed in Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2009 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];68(3):482-7. Available from:


The information on the labels of solar protection are key to the effectiveness, safety and the quality control of these products. This study aimed to verify whether the information on the labels of solar protectors are in line with current standards and whether they adequately guide the consumer to choose and use the product for the effective protection. Using as an instrument to collect data from the inspection tour, developed and employed by the National Institute for Control of Quality in Health for analysis of labeling of these products have been verified and the information needed through a critical analysis, as if they were sufficiently explicit and appropriate. The study showed that 76% of the products tested failed to meet the technical requirements set by the rules, leaving to present important information regarding the manufacture, method of use and restrictions, warnings of phrases, specific indications of the product and care to be observed when using it. The words contained in the labels were not sufficient and not adequate to guide the consumer to obtain the necessary sun protection. Labels for sun protection an urgent need for a careful review. The omission of technical requirements established, as well as building health violation, causes damage to the corresponding shares of surveillance.
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