Wheat-soybeans mix flours improve the bread nutritional and sensorial characteristics
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Dantas MI de S, Andrade GF, Piovesan ND, Martino HSD. Wheat-soybeans mix flours improve the bread nutritional and sensorial characteristics. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2009 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];68(2):209-14. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32719


The present study aimed at assessing the sensorial characteristic and the centesimal composition of breads made up with wheat-soybean mixed flour. Four sweet breads formulation were prepared using wheat-soybean mix flour (50:50 ratio) from different cultivars, which are used for human consumption, being a conventional one, two without lipoxygenases, and the fourth with low contents of trypsin inhibitor. Amounts of proteins, lipids, carbohydrate, moisture, ashes and calories were evaluated. A hundred one consumers evaluated the formulations, and the sensorial characteristic acceptance by consumers was done by means of nine-point structured hedonic scale, and the Internal Preference Mapping technique was used to analyze the data. The use of wheat-soybean mixed flour increased the nutritional value of prepared breads, when compared with those made from the conventional formulation, especially referring to protein and lipid contents. Formulations prepared with soy flours from lipoxygenase-free cultivars significantly reduced the characteristic and distasteful flavor of soybean. The use of wheat-soybean mixed flours in the same proportion improved the nutritional proprieties and the highly accepted sensory characteristic. The sensory acceptance was observed especially in bread prepared with lipoxygenases-free soybean flour.

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