The fatty acids profile, the proximate composition, the calorie and cholesterol contents were investigated in two species of sea fishes from the State of Alagoas, Brazil: carapeba-listrada (Eugerres plumieri Cuvier, 1830) and cavala (Scomberomorus cavalla Cuvier, 1829). Twenty samples of each fish species were analyzed. High moisture contents were found in carapeba-listrada samples. The highest values of protein and ash were detected in cavala on the wet basis. The both two fish species presented the same lipid values on the wet basis. The highest calorific value was observed in cavala samples, and also on the wet basis the highest cholesterol contents was found in this fish specie samples. Regarding to the fatty acids profile, cavala showed the highest percentage of monounsaturated oleic (7.74%) and polyunsaturated: linoleic (6.91%),α-linolenic (2.90%), EPA (10.82%), and DHA (4.50%). The polyunsaturated/saturated ratio was highest in cavala (0.95), and also in the sum total of EPA + DHA contents (15.32). In assessing the nutritional quality of lipids, the analyzed fi sh species showed the rates of n-6/n-3, hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic (HH), index of atherogenicity (IA), and index of thrombogenicity (IT) as favorable for consumption. Considering these results, cavala can be considered a remarkable source of fatty acids, mainly of omega-3 acid, and because of its HH value.References
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