The Tapacurá reservoir is located at 30 km from the city of Recife, PE – Brazil, and it is an important water supply system for the municipality and surrounding region. The present study characterized the quality and the quantity of the phytoplankton community in this ecosystem. Twelve sample collections were carried out from June 2006 to January 2007 at a single sampling site next to the point of water intake. The frequency in occurrence, abundance, dominance, species diversity index, and equitableness index were determined as a complementary part of the study. Twenty-two taxa were identified, with the predominance of following groups Cyanobacteria (45.0%), Chlorophyta (36.0%) Chrysophyta (9.0%) Euglenophyta (5.0%) and Cryptophyta (5.0%). Cyanobacteria exhibited the highest density, accounting for 95.0% of the quantified organisms. Regarding to the frequency in occurrence, 32.0% of taxa were considered highly frequent; 32.0% were regarded frequent; 27.0% were infrequent; and 9.0%were considered rare. Among the identified taxa, nine stood out as being abundant at least in one of the sampling sessions. Raphodiopsis mediterranea and Microcystis aeruginosa were the only species that exhibited dominance throughout the study period. The highest densities of Cyanobacteria are configured as potential risk to public health, as some of these taxa have a history of toxin production.
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