The retrospective study on cervico-vaginal smears analyzed by Papanicolaou (Pap) test at Instituto Adolfo Lutz – Division of Pathology, during the period from 2003 to 2008, was carried out. The diagnoses of pre-neoplasic and neoplasic lesions on Pap smears were analyzed, according to the age groups distribution. Of the 222,024 analysed samples, 3,674 (1.65%) were classified as unsatisfactory, 206,439 (92.98%) were negative and 11,911 (5.36%) presented abnormal cytology diagnoses. Of those with abnormal cytology, 6,437 (54.04%) were classified as ASC-US, 210 (1.76%) as ASC-H, 3,264 (27.40%) as LSIL, 1,279 (10.74%) as HSIL, 131(1.10%) as SCC and 552 (4.63%) as AGC-US, 23 (0.19%) as AGC-H, 7 (0.06%) as AIS, and 8(0.07%) were diagnosed as ADENOCA. The distribution of the squamous and glandular intraepithelial lesions diagnosis in the age group ranging at 5-year intervals, showed the major frequency of LSIL among younger women (15-25 years of age), and the diagnoses of ASC-US, ASC-H, AGC-US, HSIL, SCC and ADENOCA among >50 year- old women. The glandular variations as AGC-H and AIS occurred in women at of 30-34 and 45-49 age groups. Two (0.16%) women with HSIL were under 14 years of age, and 51 (3.99%) were from 15 to 19 years old. This study emphasizes the relevance in implementing the educational campaigns, the patients screening and follow-up protocols for assuring the improvement and the effectiveness of prevention programs.References
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