Ostrich egg yolk constituents analyses after drying procedures by means of two dehydration methodologies
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ostrich egg

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Aquino J de S, Silva JA da, Prado JP, Cavalheiro JM de O. Ostrich egg yolk constituents analyses after drying procedures by means of two dehydration methodologies. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];67(3):190-5. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/32764


The dehydrated ostrich egg yolks were analyzed in order to assess their constituents after being dried by means of two dehydration methodologies, that is the spray-drying technology and the freeze-drying technique. The egg yolk samples were dehydrated by spray – dryer with compressed air flow at 30 L/min, feeding bomb flow at 0.5 L / h, and drying air temperature at 125ºC. In using the freeze-drying technology, the samples were processed at temperature of - 49 °C for seven hours under the pressure of 0.02955 mmHg. After being dehydration, the centesimal composition of dried samples was determined. Cholesterol contents were determined by HPLC, in movable phase, acetonitrile/izopropanol (80:20) at flow of 1mL/min, on Nova Pack column C18 (15.0cm x 4.6cm x 5.0μm), and wavelength at 210nm. The powder particles diameter sizes were achieved by optical microscopy. Statistically significant differences (p <0.05) were found in comparing the averages of centesimal compositions of ostrich egg yolks dehydrated by spray-dryer and those dried by freeze drying technology. The freeze-dried egg yolk showed higher lipid contents, but lower cholesterol contents. The freeze-dried particles were irregular, larger and more stable than those atomized powders. By means of freeze-drying technique, the retention of ostrich egg yolk lipid and protein contents was observed, although lower cholesterol quantity was detected when compared to those samples dehydrated by means of spray-drying technology.
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