Bacteriological study in bovine and chicken hot dog type - sausages sold in vacuumed packing-case and in bulk retail commercialized in Rio de Janeiro city and Niteroi, RJ/Brazil supermarkets
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food-borne diseases

How to Cite

Martins LL, Santos IF dos, Franco RM, Oliveira LAT de, Bezz J. Bacteriological study in bovine and chicken hot dog type - sausages sold in vacuumed packing-case and in bulk retail commercialized in Rio de Janeiro city and Niteroi, RJ/Brazil supermarkets. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];67(3):215-20. Available from:


The food-borne diseases are one of the main problems of public health worldwide. Taking into account the high consumption rank of meat sausages among consumers, the study on bacteriological profile in hotdog type- sausages was performed. The presence of pathogens was investigated in sausages samples commercialized in supermarkets in Rio de Janeiro city and Niteroi, RJ. The following bacteriological analyses were carried out: for coliforms bacteria counting at 35°C and 45°C; coagulase positive Staphylococcus spp. counting; sulfite reductor Clostridium counting at 46°C and Salmonella spp. detection. Conventional methods with pertinent modifications were employed for performing these analyses. Based on the current legislation, 33.0% of the analyzed samples were considered inappropriate for consuming, because of the occurrence of those microorganisms above cited. These data indicate that the analyzed sausages samples might be a potential source for causing food-borne diseases, being a high risk to public health.
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