Myristicin contents in nutmeg (Myristica fragans, Houtt) preparations
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Myristica fragans

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Teixeira GF, Garda Buffon J, Baisch ALM, Badiale-Furlong E. Myristicin contents in nutmeg (Myristica fragans, Houtt) preparations. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];67(1):39-45. Available from:


The objective s of this investigation was to establish a procedure for determining miristicyn contents in nutmeg seeds, essential oil and liquid extract, in order to assess the both benefic and toxic properties of nutmeg. The powdered nutmeg and nutmeg seeds samples of were collected from the south and southeast regions of Brazil. The moiture, protein, ether extract and ash contents were determined in accordance with AOAC. Miristicyn was measured in ground nutmeg, in lipidic fraction and its respective hydrothermal extract, and in the infusion by means of gas chromatography. The powdered nutmeg presented the highest variation in its centesimal composition, particularly demonstrated by the nitrogen contents (from 6.0 to 12.0%), and ether extract (from 15.0 to 36.0%). The proposed procedure for determining miristicyn showed the best results when it was performed in the hydrothermal extract derived from the lipidic fraction, being the recuperation rate of 88.0%, 9% of coefficient variation, and the limit quantification of sample was 3mg/g. The highest myristicin contents were found in the seed and powdered nutmeg hydroalcoholic extracts from lipidic fraction, being 37 and 22 mg/g respectively.
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