This study was conducted with the objective of quantitatively assessing the total microbial count and the histamine producing-bacteria in caught shrimps and in aquaculture-bred shrimps, which were sold in Salvador-Bahia. Fourty samples were collected, being 50% of caught shrimps and the other twenty from aquaculture. For performing mesophilic and psicotrophic microorganisms counts the Niven agar was employed. Aquaculture shrimp samples presented a maximum value of 3.74 log CFU/g of mesophilic bacteria and 3.51 log CFU/g of psycrotrophic microorganisms, which were below the maximum limits values established for fish quality specifications criteria. In caught shrimp samples the maximum values were 7.81 log CFU/g of mesophilic bacteria and 7.49 log CFU/g of psycrotrophic bacteria. Both values exceeded the maximum limit established by legislation, and these findings indicated a high rate of bacteria contamination. Histamine producing - bacteria were found in eight samples, and the most of these microorganisms belonged to Enterobacteriaceae family, which indicated the occurrence of the undesirable conditions of hygiene and temperature in shrimp trading.References
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