The aim of the present investigation was to determine the composition of Mangalarga Marchador mare milk, in order to make rise of these data to assess the potentiality of this lactic product to be suitable for human consumption. Thirty- one mares from four stud-farms located in Goias state were used. These stud-farms were heterogeneous regarding to animal handling, management, and nutrition systems; and the mares were at 15 to 120 days of lactation. The total of 225 collected milk samples were analyzed in triplicate for determining the concentrations of protein, fat, lactose and total solids (TS) by means of mid infrared ray technique. Significant differences in protein, fat and TS concentrations (p<0.05) in mare milks from four stud-farms were observed, however no difference in lactose contents were found among milks samples from mares raised in different stud-farms (p<0.05) . These findings suggest that there is a low influence of nutrition on this mare milk sugar. Comparing to the values reported in other studies, the average concentration found in the present investigation for protein (2%) and sugar (6.57%) were similar; fat (0.63%) was lower, and TS (10.37%) was in an intermediate concentration. These contents variations in mares milk samples composition might be influenced by food, animal handling and management system, and by the physiologic response of each animal.References
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