Assessment of food frying-oils and-fats marketed in Santos metropolitan area, São Paulo state
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oils and fats
total polar compounds
public health

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Tavares M, Gonzalez E, Silva M de LP da, Barsotti RCF, Kumagai EE, Caruso MSF, Aued-Pimentel S, Ruvieri V, Souza DL de. Assessment of food frying-oils and-fats marketed in Santos metropolitan area, São Paulo state. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];66(1):40-4. Available from:


Oils and fats are largely used for frying foods in Brazil. A prolonged oils and fats heating induces several complex chemical reactions, and produces their compounds degradation, which modify their quality and might cause health hazard to consumers. The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of oils and fats employed for frying foods in Santos metropolitan area, São Paulo state. One hundred samples were analyzed, being 50 of them collected before being used, and 50 during the frying process. The refractive index at 40°C, acidity, linolenic acid contents, temperature, polar compounds (“Fri-Check” method), and “Oil Test” were investigated. Among samples collected before frying procedure, all of the soybean oils showed linolenic acid contents above the maximum limit (2%) recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and international legislation. All of the samples collected during frying procedure showed at least one of the physics-chemical characteristics determination with an inappropriate result, as for 41 (82%) of them registered temperatures above the limit of 180°C established by the Brazilian Ministry of Health Resolution RDC n° 216/04. An intensive plan to guarantee the quality control of oils and fats employed for frying foods, and a close surveillance by the related public departments should be established and bring it into action.
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