Refinement of corvine (Micropogonias furnieri) oil manufactured by means of acid ensilage procedure and thermo treatment processing for meal production
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fish oil
fatty acids
color Lovibond
iodine index
saponification index

How to Cite

Crexi VT, Grunennvaldt FL, Soares LAS, Pinto LAA. Refinement of corvine (Micropogonias furnieri) oil manufactured by means of acid ensilage procedure and thermo treatment processing for meal production. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2007 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];66(1):50-6. Available from:


Fish oil constitutes an important source of poly-unsaturated ω-3 fatty acids (PUFA), which are beneficial human health; however, the occurrence of impurities affects oil characteristics. The corvine oil can be obtained from the ensilage acidification process or from thermo treatment process for meal production. For human consumption, the oil should be passed through a refining process. In the present work, refinement of corvine (Micropogonias furnieri) residues was performed by means of acid ensilage and thermo-treatment processes; and also the characteristics of refined oils were compared. Similar characteristics were observed in products from both refinement procedures. The winterization step, in both process, resulted in an increase of EPA+DHA around 8.5%, and a reduction saturated contents in range of 12.5%. Also, the corvine oil refined from both thermo treatment and ensilage processes presented unsaturated fatty acids contents in a range of 62%, which turns to be favorable as a source of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA).
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