Microbiological evaluation of public water supply in schools of Ibiúna-SP: comparative study of water quality in conduit and post conduit
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water reservoir

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Soto FRM, Fonseca YSK, Antunes DV, Risseto MR, Amaku M, Arine M de LB. Microbiological evaluation of public water supply in schools of Ibiúna-SP: comparative study of water quality in conduit and post conduit. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2005 Jan. 3 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];64(1):128-31. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/33045


The quality of public water supply is of great importance to the population health. This can be an important source for disseminating disease caused by infectious agents and chemical substances. This work had the objective to conduct a study on water quality concerning the microbiologic aspect in the conduit and post conduit of public school system in Ibiúna- SP. Water reservoirs conditions and hygienic conservation were also evaluated. The study was carried out during the second semester of 2004. Fifty six water samples were collected from 28 schools, being 28 samples from conduit, and 28 water consumption point, and microbiological analyses were performed. Of 28 samples from schools conduits, 3.57% showed total coliforms and E coli. Of 28 samples collected from water consumption sites 21.42% showed total coliforms, and 14.28% E. coli. Concerning the water reservoir, altogether 57.14% were unsatisfactory for hygiene and conservation conditions. The observed data indicate a demand in applying corrective actions in all stages of water supply for public consumption.
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